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Thursday, March 31, 2022

Crpc Notes - Law Notes - Short Notes for Judiciary Preparation



22 march 1898 into force 1st July 1898 Total section in Cr.P.C-565 Schudeles-05

Before start Magistrate Trail some important sections



1. Police may arrest without warrant


2. Police may arrest vagabonds, habitual robber’s


3. person may arrest not detained more than 24 hours


4. Discharged person apprehended


5. Proclamation of person absconding


6. Attachment of property absconding


7. Search to be Made in presence of witness


8. First Information Report (F.I.R)


9. Information in Non-Cognizable offence (N.C)


10. Examination of witness by the Police


11. Record statement/Confession by Magistrate


12. Investigation not complete in 24 hours need remand


13. After period 15 days court adjourn/postpone remand


14. Release of accused by Police if evidence deficient


15. Final Report/ Challan submitted by Police


16. Cognizance offence by the Magistrate


17. Magistrate sand case which triable by courts of session (F.I.R case after submission of

challan) section-190(2)

18. Magistrate send complaint which triable by courts of session


19. Cognizance of offence by session judge


20. Examination of complainant/ complaint before Magistrate








1.      Magistrate Trail start from Framing of Charge

2.      Copy supply of statement free of cost to accused section-241-A

3.      Charged to be Framed section-242

4.      On the admission of truth by accused / Plead guilty convicted under section-243

5.      Court can take evidence of witness of the case section-340 CrPC Article- 130/132 Q.S.O 1984

6.      Cross Examination of witness Article-134 QSO

7.      Power to examine the accused section-342 CrPC

8.      Manner of Recording Evidence section-354

9.      Record in trail in certain cases by 1st and 2nd class magistrate section-355

10.  Magistrate record statement of accused section-244-A

11.  Acquittal accused section-245(1)

12.  Sentence As per law section-245(2)

13.  False accusation Magistrate can fine 25000/- section-250

14.  Power of magistrate to acquit to accused at any stage section-249-A





Some Important sections for Power of Sessions Court



Ø  Powers of Justice of Peace Section-22-A

Ø  Duties of Justice of Peace Section-22-B

Ø  Cognizance of Offence by Session Judge Section-193

Ø  Power to issue directions of the nature of habeas corpus Section-491




Session Court Trail Step by Step


Þ Copy supply of statement free of cost to accused Session-265-C

Þ Charged to be Framed Section-265-D

Þ On the admission of truth by accused/ plead guilty convicted Section-265-E

Þ Evidence of Prosecution Section-265-F

Þ Section-340 CrPC Court can take Evidence of witness of the case by apply

Article-130/132 QSO.

Þ Power to examine the accused Section-342

Þ Manner of Recording Evidence section-354

Þ Section-265-H (1) acquittal accused Section-265-H (2) Sentence As per Law

Þ Power of Court to acquit to accused at any stage Section-265-K



Some Important Sections of CrPC



«  Modes of delivering Judgment Section-366

«  Sentence of Death submitted by session court for conformation Section-374

«  Power of High court to confirm sentence of Death Section-376

«  Power of Provincial Government to suspend or remit sentence Section-401

«  Power of Provincial Government to commute Punishment Section-402

«  Appeal from sentence of court of session section-410

«  Appeal in case of acquittal (acquitted any court except high court and supreme court) section-417

«  Suspension of sentence pending appeal appellant on bail section-426

«  Arrest of accused in appeal from acquittal section-427

«  High courts power of Revision section-439-A

«  Report of chemical examiner serologist section-510




«  Record of Evidence in absence of accused section-512

«  Order for custody and disposal of property trail in certain cases section-516-A

«  Procedure to police upon seizure of property section-523

«  High court may transfer criminal cases section-526

«  Power to summon to material witness section-561-A






Total section in CPC-158 Total Orders-52, Total schedules-5



i.            Institution of suit by plaint O 4 R 1

ii.            Register of suits O 4 R 2

iii.            Issue of summons to the defendants O 5 R 1

iv.            Pleading O 6 R 1

v.            Amendment of pleadings O 6 R 17

vi.            Plaint Particular/particulars to be contained in plaint O 7 R 1

vii.            Procedure admitting Plaint (concise statement) O 7 R 9

viii.            Return of plaint O 7 R 10

ix.            Rejection of plaint O 7 R 11

x.            Written statements may field O 8 R 1

xi.            New facts must be specially pleaded O 8 R 2

xii.            Appearance of parties/ Parties to appear in court in given date on summon O 9 R 1

xiii.            Parties not present suit may be Dismissed O 9 R 3

xiv.            Court may proceed Ex-Party O 9 R 6 (1) (a)

xv.            Setting aside decree ex-party by court O 9 R 13

xvi.            Examination of parties by court O 10 R 1

xvii.            Oral examination of party O 10 R 2




xviii.            Discovery and inspection parties documents O 11 R 1, 2

xix.            On admissions O 12 R 1

xx.            Production/Impounding/Return documents O 13 R 1, 2

xxi.            Return the admitted documents O 13 R 9

xxii.            Settlement of issues/ framing of issues by law O 14 R 1, 2

xxiii.            Amend and strike out issues O 14 R 5

xxiv.            Disposal of Suit at the first hearing/ both parties not on issue O 15 R 1, 2

xxv.            Summoning and attendance of witness/ expenses of witness O 16 R 1, 2

xxvi.            If any witness fails to appear warrant will be issued to the witness O 16 R 10 (1, 2)

xxvii.            Adjournments grant O 17 R 1

xxviii.            Court may grant adjournment on cost O 17 R 2

xxix.            Hearing of the suit and examine the witnesses O 18 R 3, 4

xxx.            Court may Recall and examine the witness any stage O 18 R 17

xxxi.            Judgment and Decree Pronounce O 20 R 1

xxxii.            Execution of Decree and Order/modes of paying money under decree O 21 R 1

xxxiii.            Withdrawal and adjournment of suit O 23 R 1

xxxiv.            When withdrawal on compromise O 23 R 3

xxxv.            Summary procedure on negotiable instruments suits O 37 R 1, 2

xxxvi.            Temporary injunctions and interlocutory order O 39 R 1

xxxvii.            Appointment of Receivers O 40 R 1






Total section in Family court act 1964 is -26



ü  Jurisdiction of family court Section-5(1)

ü  Institution of suit section-7(1)

ü  Amendment in plaint section-7(3)

ü  Summon to defendant and chairman section-8(1)-B

ü  Proclamation in news Paper section-8(1)-C

ü  Written statement section-9(1)-A

ü  Ex-Party proceeding section-9(5)

ü  Decree passed ex-party within 30 days of service to defendant section-9(7)




Proceeding after written statements



ü  Date fix for pre-trail section-10(1)

ü  Pre-trail fail no compromise in parties issues frame section-10(4)

ü  Recording of evidence court examine the witness section-11(1)

ü  Conclusion of trail after close the evidence court shall make another efforts for compromise within 15 days section-12 (1)

ü  Family court shall announce the decree and judgment section-12(2)

ü  Execution of decree section-13(5)









ü  Appeal to high court and district court section-14(1) Limitation for Appeal 30 days under rule 22(1)

ü  Power of court summon to witnesses section-15(1)-A

ü  Contempt of family court section-16(a)

ü  Interim order for maintenance section-17(a)

ü  Transfer of cases section-25(a) (1) district court section-25A(2A)

ü  Stay of proceeding by high court and district court section-25B (A&B)









Q:- What is First information report (F.I.R)?

Ans:- F.I.R is the first information of occurrence, which is to be appreciated by the police officer whether it relates to the cognizable offence or non-cognizable offences. The procedure of such report is given under the code of criminal procedure section 154. Whereby the information has been given to the police that an information of crime of accusation given with the sole object to putting to police in motion in order to investigate.

This is first information in point of time, whereby investigation commences with the sole object to obtain early information.


Q:- What is Offence?

Ans:- Every punishable act which is done by person under any law for the time being in force.


Q:- What is Bail?

Ans:- Bail is an order of court to Temporary transfer of an accused from Police custody into the custody of sureties.




There are following forms of Bail.


1.      Interim Bail.

2.      Permanent Bail or Confirmed bail.

3.      Bail in non-cognizable offence.

4.      Bail in Cognizable offence.

5.      Bail after arrest.

6.      Bail before arrest.

7.      Bail after conviction.


Interim Bail:-

Interim bail or temporary bail is granted for specified period even without hearing the prosecuting case.


Permanent Bail/Confirmed Bail:-

Is granted after hearing the parties the petitioner and

the prosecution.


Bail in non-cognizable offence:-

Non cognizable offences are bailable and even incharge of police station can grant bail and release the accused.


Bail in cognizable offence:-

Cognizable offences are non-bailable therefore bail in such cases can only be allowed by the court.


Bail after arrest:-

When accused has been arrested by the Police, Bail may be granted to accused under section 497 of the criminal procedure code.


Bail before Arrest:-

When accused has not been arrested by the Police, Bail may be granted to accused under section 498 of the criminal procedure code.


Bail after conviction:-



Q:- Which are Bailable and Non-bailable Offences? Ans:-

1.      Bailable:. Trivial punishments are treated as bailable.





2.      Non-Bailable:. Severe Punishments are considered as Non-bailable Offences.


Q:- Which are Cognizable and Non-Cognizable Offences?

Ans:- cognizable offences are those in which a police officer may arrest the accused in accordance with second schedule or any other law for the time being in force without ant warrant.

Non-cognizable offences and non-cognizable cases means such offences in which police officer may arrest the accused without warrant delay issued by the magistrate.


Q: - Compoundable and non-Compoundable Offences? Ans:-

Compoundable:- all those offences which are shown compoundable of trivial nature related to the personality of the individual, thereby the law has permitted to settle the dispute.

Non-Compoundable:- there are certain offences which specified in the second schedule of the code, which are emphatically mentioned as non-compoundable offences.

Look like 302, 376 are non-compoundable offence.


Q: - What is Investigation ?

Ans:- every proceeding conducted by the police officer or any other authorized person in his behalf by the magistrate called to investigation.


Q:- What is Inquiry ?

Ans:- an inquiry includes every inquiry which is conducted under this code by the magistrate or a court, ( But it is not include trail).



Where trail of the case starts there inquiry or investigation end. Investigation includes every inquiry, its primary aim is to differentiate

between truth and false.



Q: - What is Trail?

Ans: - Trail means proceedings which competence when the case is called to the court, accused is in duck and for the defense in the court for the hearing of the case and it end conviction/acquittal.

Trail in criminal case commence with framing of charge and in summon cases it starts when accused is brought before the magistrate and particulars of the offences are started to him and magistrate proceeds to hear the complaint and the prosecution evidence.




The trail concludes on the date when the judgment is passed whether it result into acquittal or conviction.


·        The following has been provided for holding trail.

1.      Trail by the Magistrate     (u/s 241 to 250 CrPC)

2.      Trail by Session Court      (u/s 265-A to 265-N CrPC)

3.      Summary trail                   (u/s 260 to 265 CrPC)


Q: - What is Charge?

Ans: - charge means list of charges containing allegations against to the accused. Section 221 to 223 deals with the format or particulars and manar of recording statement of allegations against to the accused.


Q:- What is Complaint?

Ans:- Complaint means all those allegations which are verbally or in written brought before the magistrate, obliging him to proceed according to the Code.


Q:- What is Remand?

Ans:- Accused arrested by the Police without Warrant than police can not cross the limit of time of 24 hours before the time limit police have to produce the accused before the nearest Magistrate who may pass the order of remand under section 167 CrPc.


·        Following are Kinds of Remand.

1.       Police Remand.

2.       Judicial Remand.


Police Remand:- Accused is kept in Police Lock Up in Police Station. Police Remand can not exceed 15 days in the whole. It is regulated by the section 167 CrPc.

Copy of Order of Police remand with reason is sent to the Session judge.



Judicial Remand. Accused is kept in Judicial Lock Up in Jail.

Judicial Remand Can exceed 15 days in the whole. Copy of Order of Judicial remand with reason is sent to the Session judge.

It is regulated by the section 344 CrPC.




Q:- What is Discharge and acquittal?

Ans:- an accused is final in all the perspectives, whereas the order of discharge is not final.

An accused who is discharge can again be charged for the same offence, If evidence is discovered against him.

Whereas an accused who is acquittal can not be put on trail for the same offence under which he has been acquitted.

Q:- What is Inquest Report?

Ans:- an inquest report is prepared by the Police Officer under Pule 25, 35, Vol. 3 Police Rule 1934 in case sudden or unnatural death of person requires that inquest report shall state apparent cause of death, give the description of any mark or marks of violence found on death body and describe manner in which and weapon with which such marks appeared on death body.

Q:- What is Judicial Proceedings?

Ans:- Proceeding in which the course of witness is called up for obtain any evidence or it may be legally taken on oath.

Any person who is entitled to determine points of controversy between parties and mark a legal decision carries out judicial proceedings.


Q:- What is Pleader?

Ans:- Pleader is An Advocate, an attorney of the High court delay authorized in this behalf and any other person who is appointed with such proceeding.


Q:- What is Prosecutor?

Ans:- any person which has been appointed under section 492 of the code of criminal procedure 1898.

It also includes any person acting in accordance with the directions of the Public Prosecutor and any person conduction prosecution on behalf of the state in High court. Q:- What is Medico Legal Report?

Ans:- Medico legal report conducted by the DOCTOR on the body of injured person or deceased person.


Q:- What is Post Mortem Report?

Ans:- Post Mortem examination means of the death body by the qualified surgeon. The legal requirement in the respect of post mortem examination contained in section 173(3) Cr.P.C.

in every case appears to be due homicide, suicide, or accidental causes and where any doubt exist cause of death, the death body shall be sent to the nearer medical office which authorized by provincial Government to conduct the post mortem examination.




Q:- What is Serologist Report?

Ans:- Government has appointed chemical examiner on special serologist duty to carry out his special branch of medico-Legal work.

The work of serologist would be conduct the point whether blood satins were common or animal.

In case on the establishment of facts the blood stains are of human blood as distinct from animal blood.

The serologist will after examination article sent to him by chemical examiner return them with a copy of his report to superintendent concerned under section 510 Cr.P.c , Report of serologist can be used for evidence without calling serologist as a witness in the court.


Q:- What is Different between summon and warrant?

Ans:- A Summon:- is a document issued form the office of the court of justice calling upon the person to whom it is directed to attend before the magistrate or officer of the court.

Warrant:- Magistrate sent the order to the Police or certain person directing to him to arrest the accused and to produce him before the court.


Q:- What is Confession?

Ans:- the word confession as used in the order of Qanoon-e-shahadat,

The confession of accused is defined under section 164 of the Cr.P.C a full procedure of recording confession by the accused before the magistrate with reference to section 164 Cr.P.C has been propound in the case law, as soon as accused is produced before the court of magistrate his hand cuffs should be removed and police should be turned out from court.

Accused be informed that he before the magistrate and whether he makes any statement or not he would not be given back to police who produced him but he be remanded to judicial lock up

He should then be given sufficient time to ponder over the matter thereafter he should be wanted that he is not bound to make any statement,

But if he did so it will be used as evidence against him the following questions then are put to him.

1.      For how long have you been with police?

2.      Has any pressure been brought to bear upon you to make confession?

3.      Have you been threatened to confess? 4.

After the recording the accuser’s answer if the magistrate is satisfied that accused is making confession voluntarily he would then should proceed his confession




Q:- What is Judicial Confession?

Ans:- Judicial confession are those which are made before the magistrate in judicial proceeding

The resource of such confessions is provided under section 164 and 364 of the Cr.P.C The purport of those confession is to make voluntarily quilt by the accused freely made without any pressure, force upon him such statement should be made before the accused and magistrate should be satisfy before recording such statement

·        confession made in immediate of the magistrate

·        confession which led to the discovery of facts

·        confession without ant inducement, threat or promise


Q:- What is Extra Judicial Confession?

Ans:- such confession which neither made before the magistrate nor in the recourse of legal proceedings of law

Recording of such confession even in the fit state of sense and voluntarily by the accused person before any other person then the magistrate carry on evidentially value and seized incriminating attributable with the accused.





When any person dies in custody of police the nearest magistrate has empowered to hold inquests shall and in any other case mentioned in section 174 clauses (a) (b) and

(c)   of sub-section 1 every magistrate is empowered may hold any enquiry into the cause of death either instead of or in addition to the investigation held by the police officer and if he does so, he shall have all powers in conducting it

Magistrate has a power to order for such inquiry to record the evidence according to circumstances of the case.


Q:- What is Bail And Bail Bond?

Ans:- Bail means release of an accused person from the custody of Police to handover the custody to some other person who undertakes for his appearance before the court. In case of non-appearance of accused surety bond would be canceled and surety would be required to pay the amount mentioned in the surety bond.


Court of Sessions:-

The provincial government has established a court of session for

every session division and appoints a judge of such courts.

And also appoint additional session judges and assistant session judges to exercise jurisdiction in one or more such courts.

Place or places for sitting of session judges also order by the provincial government.





Cognizance of offence by magistrate:-

Section 190 authorized  a magistrate to try a

case on the basic of police report irrespective of the fact that the case is cognizable by the police or not.


Powers of Magistrate:-



Magistrate of 1st Class:-

According to section 30 CrP.C magistrate of 1st class may pass any sentence except death.



Imprisonment for term not exceeding 3 years.

Fine not exceeding 45000 forty five thousand rupees. Arsh, Daman, and whipping.


Magistrate of 2nd Class:-



Magistrate of 3rd Class:-

Imprisonment for term not exceeding One years. Fine not exceeding 5000 five thousand rupees.



Imprisonment for term not exceeding One month. Fine not exceeding 1000 one thousand rupees.




Q:- Whether magistrate is empower to make inquiry in Death cases?

Ans:- According to section 176 when any person dies when in the custody of police, the nearest magistrate is empowered to hold inquests.


Q:- Define the Grievous injury by burns section-174-A?

Ans:- according to section 174-A magistrate is also empower to record the statement of injured person, where a person grievously injured by burns through Fire, Oil, Or Chemical.



Q:-Whether Magistrate is empower to require fresh surety?

Ans:- According to section 91 CrPC Magistrate is empower to take bond for appearance when any person for whose appearance is necessary and he is present in such court such officer require a bond with or without surety for his appearance in such court.




Q:-What is wrongfully confined define section-100?

Ans:- according to section-100 if any Magistrate of 1st Class or sub-Divisional Magistrate has reason to believe that any person has wrongfully confined, under such circumstance that the confinement amount to an offence,

He may issue search warrant lie with magistrate 1st class or sub-divisional magistrate.


Q:-Define the section-133 Nuisance?

Ans:- according to section-133 (1) whenever magistrate of the 1st Class considers that or receiving a police report or other information and taking such evidence (if any) as he think fit that any unlawful nuisance should be removed from any way,

That the conduct of any trade, occupation, or keeping of any goods that are injurious to the public health or physical comfort of the community, should by removed or keeping thereof regulated.



Q:- Define the unlawful Assembly section-127?

Ans:- any assembly of five or more persons, which assembling unlawfully in public peace.

The farmer means of assembly unlawful from its beginning was not unlawful but after assembling it turn into unlawful assembly.










Q:- Define Prevent a nuisance or apprehended section-144?

Ans:- according to section-144 provide for the issue of temporary order in urgent cases of nuisance or apprehended danger, it confers power on certain magistrate to take prompt action in cases of emergency.


Q:- Define power of acquittal section-245?

Ans:- according to section-245 magistrate after examining the evidence referred to under section-244 or any further evidence which he has required to be produced of his own motion and examine the accused.

If finds the accused not guilty of offence charged with, shall record an order in writing for the acquittal of the accused.





Q:- Define Withdrawal of complaint section-248?

Ans:- if the complainant at any time before a final order is passed in any case satisfies the magistrate that there are sufficient ground for permitting him to withdraw the same and shall thereupon acquit the accused.


Q:- Define the power to stop proceedings when no complainant section-249?

Ans:- in any case instituted otherwise than upon complaint magistrate may reason to be recorded by him stop the proceedings at any stage without pronouncing any judgment either of acquittal or conviction and may thereupon release the accused.


Q:- Define power of magistrate to acquit the accused at any stage section-249-A? Ans:- Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent a court from acquitting an accused at any stage of the case after hearing the prosecutor and the accused and for reasons to be recorded,

It considers that the charge is groundless or that there is no probability of the accused being convicted of any offence,

The accused should be acquitted at any stage of case.


Q:- Define Confession section-164, 364?

Ans:- a confession means an admission of certain facts which constitute an offence, Made by the person who is charged with offence which is the subject matter of the statement.

The procedure is provided under section 164 CrPC whereby magistrate of 1st class or 2nd class record any statement or confession made to him in the course of investigation or before the commencement of the inquiry or trail.

Such confessions shall be recorded in the manner as provided in section 364 CrPC and statement or confessions shall be forwarded to the magistrate trying on inquiry the case.



Warning to Accused:-




Q:- Define cognizance in direct complaint section-200 CrPC?

Ans:- Statement of complainant in direct complaint should be recorded by the magistrate and order to exclude all possibilities.

Ø  such statement should not be recorded by the reader or any clerk.


Q:- Say something about dispute of immoveable property section-145?

Ans:- according to section-145 of CrPC the prevent parties to fight over the possession of immoveable property and to shed blood and disturb peace.

Ø  Action By the Magistrate under section-145 :-

1.       He can declare as to the possession of the parties.

2.       Restoration in case of forcible dispossession

3.       He can stay the proceeding and then refer to court of competent jurisdiction.


Q:- Define section-146 power to attach subject of dispute?

Ans:- According to section-146 if the magistrate unable to satisfy as to which of them was such possession of the subject of such dispute , He may attach it until a competent court has determined the right the parties thereto, or the person entitled to possession thereof.


Q:- What is different between-516-A & 517 CrPC?

Ans:- Both section relates to disposed of property regarding which offence committed.

·         Order 516-A:- property should be disposed of or deliver to rightful claimant during the pendency of trail.

·           Order 517:- property should be deliver or disposed of after conclusion of trail.


Q:- Whether magistrate is empower to deliver a property which was seize by police on suspicious or stolen section- 523 CrPC?

Ans:- Section-523 deals with the disposal of property seizes by police under section 51 or 550.

A Magistrate is empower to deliver suspected property or restore a possession of property which seized by police, Magistrate after satisfaction that the offence charged is not made out the property should be returned to the person, or make such order he thinks fit.


Q:- What is different between Summon & Warrant Define section-68 to 75 CrPC? Ans:-

Summon:- Under section-68 A summon is addressed to a person who is directed to personally appear before the court or produce such thing or evidence or document which is necessary for the case under consideration of the court.




·        Modes of issue the summons:- the court may issue the summons for following purpose.

1.       To call an accused before the court.

2.       To call a witness for recording evidence

3.       To compel attendance of the accused before the court

4.       To call any document or thing relevant to the case


·        Warrant:- Warrant is an order of the court issued to the Police officer who is directed to arrest the person named therein and produce him before the court.


Kinds of warrant

1.      Arrest warrant.

2.      Search warrant.


·         Arrest warrant:- according to section-75 this is such an order of the court whereby the concerned SHO is directed to arrest the person named in the warrant and produce before the court.


·         Search warrant:- where the court of competent jurisdiction has reason to believe that the person in whose name a summon of the court for production the documents or any material is issued , will not produce such material or documents in situation the court may issue the search warrant.





Important CrPC MCQs



According to Chapter 16 a complaint may be dismissed by a court under section                    CrPC. A. 201

B.   202

C.   203

D.   204


Chapter 17 of CrPc is:

A.      Of the commencement of proceedings before courts.

B.       Of inquiry into cases triable by the Court of Session or High court.

C.      Of the trail of cases by magistrate

D.      Of the trail of warrant cases by magistrate


Under which section of CrPC court has power to compound offences: A. 344

B.   345

C.   346

D.   347


Under section 497 (in petty matters) of CrPC bail can be granted:

A.      By police

B.      By the police as well as the magistrate

C.      By the magistrate

D.      By the magistrate only & not the police


Under section 479(5) of CrPC the jurisdiction to cancel the bail vests with:

A.      The court of sessions

B.      The high court

C.      The court of tehsildar

D.      Only a & b.


During inquiry or trail under section 346 CrPC magistrate can remand the accused

A.      For a maximum of one month at a time

B.      For a maximum of 15 days at a time

C.      For a maximum period of 14 days at a time

D.      For a period till next date irrespective of days


Joint trail of several persons is permissible:

A.      Under section 219

B.      Under section 221

C.      Under section 239

D.      Under section 222


Under which provision of CrPC the magistrate pass an order of sentence:

A.      30

B.      31




C.      33

D.      34


Warrant is a:

A.      Private document

B.      Secret document

C.      Public document

D.      Semi-secret document


Magistrate has no authority to exercise the power of civil nature. Mention the relevant provision of CrPC:

A.      86

B.      86A

C.      87

D.      88


Proceeding under section 145 of CrPC:

A.      Judicial

B.      Quasi-judicial

C.      Executive

D.      None


Is there any concession in bail matters to women, a child and a sick person?

A.      No

B.      Depends on the circumstance

C.      Discretion of the police

D.      Yes (concession is available)


Under which section of CrPC court can seize the property of absconding person?

A.      87

B.      88

C.      89

D.      90


Mala-fide of the police and complaint is a good ground for:

A.      Bail after arrest

B.      Bail before arrest

C.      For acquittal of the accused during trail

D.      None


The FIR can be quashed in the exercise of inherent powers by:

A.      The magistrates court

B.      The court of session

C.      The high court

D.      Either (a) or (b) or (c)


by which provision high court may transferred case or itself try it: A. 522

B.   527

C.   528




D. 529


Can provincial government having any power regarding the transferred of criminal cases and appeal. Mention the relevant section:

A.   525

B.   526

C.   527

D.   528


The procedure for trail before a court of sessions is provided under section: A. 260 to 265

B.   238 to 250

C.   251 to 259

D. 265A to 265N


When was CrPC enacted for sub-continent?

A.      22 march 1898

B.      22 march 1899

C.      22 march 1900

D.      None


When CrPC enforced in sub-continent for criminal adjudication?

A.      1st June 1898

B.      1st July 1898

C.      1st august 1898

D.      1st September 1898


When CrPC made applicable in Pakistan?

A.      15th August 1947

B.      14th August 1947

C.      13th August 1947

D.      12th August 1947

Which is the highest court of appeal in province?

A.      High court

B.      District court

C.      Tribunal

D.      none

Can inquiry be conducted by other than a court?

A.      Yes

B.      No

Who is Ex-offico justice of peace?

A.      Magistrate

B.      Sessions/Additional session judge

C.      Civil judge

D.      None


Mention the Sections, in which a criminal case can be registered by the order of Ex-officio justice of peace?

A. 22A/ 22B




B.   25/26

C.   23/24

D.   None


How criminal cases are tried by different criminal courts?

A.      Schedule-II Column 8 tells which offence is triable by which court

B.      Schedule-I Column 7 tells which offence is triable by which court

C.      Both (a) & (b)

D.      None


Under which section of CrPC complaint in case zina lodged in competent court of law?

A. 202

B. 203 A

C.   204

D.   205


Which section of CrPC 1898 deal with acquittal?

A.   325

B.   324

C.   323

D.   245


According chapter 16 of CrPC a complaint may be dismissed by a court under section: A. 201

B.   202

C.   203

D.   204


Power to issue directions of nature of Habeas Corpus is vested with:

A.      Session court

B.      Criminal court

C.      High court

D.      Supreme court


Section 529 of CrPC deals with:

A.      Irregularities which do not vitiate proceedings

B.      Irregularities which vitiate proceedings

C.      Proceedings in wrong place

D.      Non of the above


Section 172 deals with:

A.      Diary of proceedings in investigation

B.      Complainants and witnesses not to be required to accompany police officer

C.      Report of police officer

D.      Non of the above


According to section 6 there are classes of executive magistrates:

A.      4

B.      5




C.      7

D.      None


An assistant session’s judge can pass the following sentence:

A.      Any sentence authorized by law but death sentence is subject to confirmation

B.      Imprisonment upto 10 years

C.      Any sentence authorized by law except a sentence of death, or of imprisonment for life or of imprisonment exceeding 7 years

D.      None


                    section deals with arrest without warrant:

A.      46

B.      54

C.      59

D.      None


Arrest without warrant can be made by a police officer:

A.      Of any rank

B.      Officer incharge of police station

C.      Not below the rank of officer incharge of police station

D.      None


Warrants of arrest are of                       kinds:

A.      2

B.      3

C.      4

D.      None


Which section of CrPC 1898 deals with sentences which magistrates may pass?

A.      30

B.      36

C.      34

D.      32


Only                    magistrate is empowered under section 127 to disperse an unlawful assembly

A.      Executive

B.      Judicial magistrate

C.      Both a & b

D.      None


After recording confession the accused is:

A.      Sent back to the police custody

B.      Kept in judicial lockup

C.      Set free

D.      None


FIR is            to be signed by the informant.

A.      Required

B.      Not required




C.      Both a & b

D.      none


Section                    deals with the inherent powers of high court: A. 151

B.   551-A

C.   561-A

D. None


Police officer can investigate in non-cognizable offence without an order of the magistrate.

A.      Correct

B.      Incorrect

C.      Both a & b

D.      None

Under chapter 32 of CrPC High Court’s power of revision come under section: A. 437

B.   438

C.   439

D.   440


Section 404 proves as under:

A.      All orders or judgment are not appeal able unless otherwise provided

B.      All orders or judgment are not appeal able

C.      Both a & b

D.      None


Confirmation of death sentence by the high court must be sighed by:

A.      Two judges

B.      One judge

C.      Three judges

D.      None


Where high court refuses to confirm death sentence passed by the session court, the Supreme Court has the power act 185 of the constitution to confirm the death sentence passed by the session judge.

A.      Correct

B.      Incorrect

C.      Both a & b

D.      None


Additional evidence can be taken by the appellate court under section: A. 401

B.   428

C.   418

D. None


Incase of a women accused custody to the police remand shall not be granted under section 167 except in Qatl and Hurt cases:

A.      Correct

B.      Incorrect




C.      Both a & b

D.      None


The person which may be changed jointly are listed in: A. 237

B.   239

C.   236

D.   238








Board of Revenue Sindh

Government of Sindh

Documents Required for Registration of Property


þ Under-mentioned documents are part of every Property registering at S.R.O.


Ø CNIC Copies of both parties i-e seller, Purchaser

Ø Title document, signatures and presence of both parties

Ø Photographs of both parties

Ø All tax documents i-e advance tax, town tax, gain tax c.v.t.

Ø And stamp duty etc.



þ Mutation (Extract from FC.M) for all documents


þ If any disputed case decree of the court must be attached to all deeds


þ In relinquishment deed if owner party has been died then legal heir ship certificate F.R.C from NADRA, Succession certificate from court is needed


þ In case of bank mortgage permission to mortgage is required

þ In case of redemption NOC from bank and two representatives from bank are required to process the document


þ In case of oral gift to blood relationship, sister, brother, daughter along with all necessary documents as above required












þ If any case of religious trust deed ministry of NOC from ministry of foreign affair is required


þ If any case of normal trust deed NOC from relevant deputy Commissioner is required



þ  If purchaser/Seller is foreigner the NOC from Finance/State Bank of Pakistan is required



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