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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Taking Charge of IT Lab

How I get charge of IT Lab? Complete Procedure

On 22-11-2018, My School Head Principal Ayub Sabir Sb requested to SS Math Sir Shahid Sb to Verify the items from Stock register of Computer Components. He verify the following items from computer lab then after typing and signing this letter handover to HM.

Subject: Physical  verification of computer Lab items as per IT lab Stock Register.

It is certified that upon the order of Principal GHSS Merajke; I physically verified the existence of quantity of following things without specifications.

      Item                                          Quantity              
1.       Computer Table                               16
2.       Computer Chairs                              30
3.       AC                                                     1
4.       CPU                                                  14
5.       Monitor/LCD                                    16
6.       Printer                                                 1
7.       Network Device                                 1
8.       UPS                                                    1
9.       Tablet                                                  1
10.   Scanner                                               1



On 24 Nov, 2018. HM write order book for the purpose of taking over charge as where both teacher Sadaqat and Rashid Signed on Order book

Taking Charge of IT Lab on Order book: 24-11-2018

Mr. Sadaqat Ali SESE CS please take over the charge of IT Lab from Rashid Hussain SST IT who has transferred.

Mr. Rashid Hussain SST IT, is a lucky man who did B.Sc in Math A, B and Computer and got 403 marks out of 800 in 2007 and appoint as SST IT in 2009. But it is surprise to see that after serving 10 year at GHSS Merajke, he took U-turn to migrate to Sialkot City, Where he has no house,  no residence.

 As I know, he has his own house, car, agri land at his village. he was spending his life peacefully at his village in-spite of this life, he decide to migrate into Sialkot City. If a man has good reputation in his village and he is doing good job in his village, it is 1000 time better to migrate into city life because in the new situation, life is started again from initial level. Moreover, also other social related issue started again toward new dimension. All in vain but best wishes for colleague.



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