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Thursday, September 2, 2021

PPSC Lecturer Education Paper 100 MCQs

 Complete 100 questions of Lecturer Education paper

1. USB stands for (universal serial bus)

2. 1st Mosque of Islam (Masjid e Quba)

3. Correct sequence of affective domain (Receiving, Responding, Valuing, Organizing, Characterizing)

4. Cognitive domain (Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation)

5. Temporary memory (RAM)

6. CAI stands for (Computer Assisted Instruction)

7. Knowledge gain thorough seeing (75%)

8. MAO college to university (1920)

9. Surah al Nahl (Honey Bee)

10.  Surah about reading (Alaq)

11.  Fastest memory (cache)

12.  Connection within a building (LAN)

13.  Rabi crops (Harvest in march april but grown oct to nov)

14.  First education institute (dar e arqam)

15.  African national languages (11)

16.  Complete series 2,5,10,12,24,26, (52)

17.  A class has three times boys than girls, which number cannot be the total strength (42)

18.  In 14 peaks how many in Pakistan (5)

19.  Sampling in which each individual has equal chance of selection (Random)

20.  1st education policy (Fazal ur Rehman)

21.  First south asian country to sign the hugue convention of civil aspects of international child abduction (Pakistan)

22.  Assessment of students for betterment of teaching (formative assessment)

23. Fight against deniers of Zakat (Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A)

24. Pedagogy (study of teaching methods)

25. Technical education was emphasized in (1947). 

26.  Method used to convert accessible sources into product or services (Economic Dimension) 

27.  We teach things by excluding from curriculum and do not teach (Null curriculum)

28.  Replace the wrong word in sentence The school management ask each student shall bring their identity for enrolling (his/her)

29. Teacher perform and explain (demonstration method)

30. Students passive in (lecture method)

31.  Daughter of east book written by(Benazir)

32.  Noble prize added in 1969 (economics)

33.  Grignard reagent (acid-base)

34.  Pilot testing is done to ensure (adaptibility,....)

35.  Pakistan bought Gawadar (1958)

36.  The Abrah Asharm was the king of (yemen)

37.  Three forms of learning experience (Edger Dale)

38. Variety of instructions for students (Individualized Instruction) 

39.  To highlight the difference between the high achiever and low achiever score is ()

40. Viewing text rapidly to get overview (skimming)

41.  6 years old child, according to Jean Piaget's can (symbolize) 

42.  According to Piaget, child use logic,abstract (formal operational) 

43.  Philosophy need entire change (reconstruction)

44.  Manageable employee by a manager (span of control)

45.  All employees report to one person (unity of command)

46.  (Sealing) of containers makes items fresh.

47.  Which is not at left side of pp presentation (All of them)

48.  Khewra is famous for (coal) besides salt.

49. The blue print to develop test is (Table of specification)

50.  One test score tend to compare with future test score is (Predictive)

51.  Portfolio is kind of (assessment techniques)

52.  Measuring age, weight, height, distance is (Ratio Scale)

53.  Knowledge from experience (empiricism)

54.  Steps of scientific Method (problem, hypothesis, analyzing results, conclusion)

55.  What is ZPD (difference b/w child do something by own as compared to do with some ones help)

56.  Not related to lesson plan (made by students)

57.  Pioneer of moral development (Kohlberg)

58.  Meslow theory the need of esteem and self realization are (Esteem Needs)

59.  Adding new info to existing schema (Assimilation)

60.  A hypothesis that plant survive in the water is the quantity of salt is water, in this independent variable is (Quantity of salt in water)

61.  Babul Islam (Sindh)

62.  960kb to byte (960x1024 bytes)

63.  Punjab university in (1882)

64.  Psychomotor domain (manipulative skills)

65.  Definition of (snowball) sampling

66.  Components of curriculum (4)

67.  To design the laboratory by a student is which cognition level (synthesis)

68.  Symposium (discussion method)

69.  Get, understand knowledge (comprehension)

70.  Same subject in different grades (vertical)

71.  To guide peson task is (leadership)

72.  Affective interaction to complete task refers to (leadership) 

73.  In correlation research data expressed in (coefficient)

74.  Socrates method (question answer)

75.  Problem solving method (john dewy)

76.  Progressivism related to (pragmatism)

77.  Perennialism emphasis on subject (everlasting)

78.  Learning body skills, abilities (core curriculum)

79.  Integrated curriculum (to minimize books)

80.  Building functional skills which are necessary, (activity curriculum)

81.  Psychomotor domain in (1972)

82.  The way of drawing results from general theory to specific (deductive)

83.  Father of learning by experience (Dewey)

84.  Checking value and worth (evaluation)

85.  Baal dhoop me safaed ni kiye (کنایہ)

86.  Ziker-e-Iqbal Biogaphy written by (Abdul Majeed Salik)

87.  To check purity of milk (lactometer)

88.  A measuring scale in which true zero exist (ratio)

89. A small group result aimed to generalize over the population is called (sample) 

90.  Realism based on (empirical knowledge)

91.  Research carried out to get help in local setting (Action research)

92.  The researcher conducts a part of his research on (sample) 

93.  The behaviorists are interested in study in (Action)

94.  Psychomotor and cognition Skills use in (discovery method)

95. Everlasting reality is focused by (prennialism)

96.  In SOLO taxonomy to go to beyond the given in information is (extended abstract)

97. The idealism ideology is base on (Traditions)

98. Test blue print or table of specification is used to ensure (Content Validity of the test)

99.  The influence of variable is on other variables (Independent)

100.  Which  of the following is used to critically analysed existence of objects (Ontology)


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